half  2.2
IEEE 754-based half-precision floating-point library
Half-precision floating-point library

This is a C++ header-only library to provide an IEEE 754 conformant 16-bit half-precision floating-point type along with corresponding arithmetic operators, type conversions and common mathematical functions. It aims for both efficiency and ease of use, trying to accurately mimic the behaviour of the built-in floating-point types at the best performance possible. It is hosted on SourceForge.net.


March 2, 2025 - Release 2.2.1: Minor bug fixes

Version 2.2.1 of the library has been released. It fixes some issues with unnecessary conversion warnings on some 64-bit platforms as well as some naming conflicts with C standard library functions. It also fixes a problem in the signed integer to half conversion when trying to convert the minimum negative value.

June 12, 2021 - Release 2.2.0: Inverse square root function

Version 2.2.0 of the library has been released. It adds the rsqrt() function for computing the inverse square root of a half-precision number faster and more accurately than by directly computing 1 / sqrt(x) in half-precision. In addition to that it also fixes a minor bug that forgot to include <immintrin.h> when support for F16C intrinsics was activated automatically.


Download and Installation

The library in its most recent version can be obtained from here, see the Release Notes for further information:

Download half 2.2.1 (.zip)

If you are interested in previous versions of the library, see the SourceForge download page.

Conveniently, the library consists of just a single header file containing all the functionality, which can be directly included by your projects, without the neccessity to build anything or link to anything.

Whereas this library is fully C++98-compatible, it can profit from certain C++11 features. Support for those features is checked and enabled automatically at compile (or rather preprocessing) time, but can be explicitly enabled or disabled by predefining the corresponding preprocessor symbols to either 1 or 0 yourself before including half.hpp. This is useful when the automatic detection fails (for more exotic implementations) or when a feature should be explicitly disabled:

C++11 feature used for enabled for (and newer) override with
long long integer type functions returning long long VC++ 2003, gcc, clang, icc 11.1 HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_LONG_LONG
static assertions extended compile-time checks VC++ 2010, gcc 4.3, clang 2.9, icc 11.1 HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_STATIC_ASSERT
generalized constant expressions constant operations VC++ 2015, gcc 4.6, clang 3.1, icc 14.0 HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CONSTEXPR
noexcept specifications proper noexcept functions VC++ 2015, gcc 4.6, clang 3.0, icc 14.0 HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_NOEXCEPT
user-defined literals half-precision literals VC++ 2015, gcc 4.7, clang 3.1, icc 15.0 HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_USER_LITERALS
thread-local storage thread-local exception flags VC++ 2015, gcc 4.8, clang 3.3, icc 15.0 HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_THREAD_LOCAL
type traits from <type_traits> TMP and extended checks VC++ 2010, libstdc++ 4.3, libc++ HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_TYPE_TRAITS
sized integer types from <cstdint> more flexible type sizes VC++ 2010, libstdc++ 4.3, libc++ HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CSTDINT
certain new <cmath> functions classifications during conversions VC++ 2013, libstdc++ 4.3, libc++ HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CMATH
floating-point control from <cfenv> floating-point exception propagation VC++ 2013, libstdc++ 4.3, libc++ HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CFENV
std::hash from <functional> hash function for halfs VC++ 2010, libstdc++ 4.3, libc++ HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_HASH

The library has been tested successfully with Visual C++ 2005 - 2015, gcc 4 - 8 and clang 3 - 8 on 32- and 64-bit x86 systems. Please contact me if you have any problems, suggestions or even just success testing it on other platforms.


What follows are some general words about the usage of the library and its implementation. For a complete reference documentation of its interface you should consult the API Documentation.

Basic usage

To make use of the library just include its only header file half.hpp, which defines all half-precision functionality inside the half_float namespace. The actual 16-bit half-precision data type is represented by the half type, which uses the standard IEEE representation with 1 sign bit, 5 exponent bits and 11 mantissa bits (including the hidden bit) and supports all types of special values, like subnormal values, infinity and NaNs. This type behaves like the builtin floating-point types as much as possible, supporting the usual arithmetic, comparison and streaming operators, which makes its use pretty straight-forward:

half a(3.4), b(5);
half c = a * b;
c += 3;
if(c > a)
std::cout << c << std::endl;
Half-precision floating-point type.
Definition: half.hpp:2056

Additionally the half_float namespace also defines half-precision versions for all mathematical functions of the C++ standard library, which can be used directly through ADL:

half a(-3.14159);
half s = sin(abs(a));
long l = lround(s);
constexpr half abs(half arg)
Absolute value.
Definition: half.hpp:2735
half sin(half arg)
Sine function.
Definition: half.hpp:3556
long lround(half arg)
Nearest integer.
Definition: half.hpp:4104

You may also specify explicit half-precision literals, since the library provides a user-defined literal inside the half_float::literal namespace, which you just need to import (assuming support for C++11 user-defined literals):

using namespace half_float::literal;
half x = 1.0_h;
Library-defined half-precision literals.
Definition: half.hpp:444

Furthermore the library provides proper specializations for std::numeric_limits, defining various implementation properties, and std::hash for hashing half-precision numbers (assuming support for C++11 std::hash). Similar to the corresponding preprocessor symbols from <cmath> the library also defines the HUGE_VALH constant and the FP_FAST_FMAH symbol.

Conversions and rounding

The half is explicitly constructible/convertible from a single-precision float argument. Thus it is also explicitly constructible/convertible from any type implicitly convertible to float, but constructing it from types like double or int will involve the usual warnings arising when implicitly converting those to float because of the lost precision. On the one hand those warnings are intentional, because converting those types to half neccessarily also reduces precision. But on the other hand they are raised for explicit conversions from those types, when the user knows what they are doing. So if those warnings keep bugging you, then you won't get around first explicitly converting to float before converting to half, or use the half_cast() described below. In addition you can also directly assign float values to halfs.

In contrast to the float-to-half conversion, which reduces precision, the conversion from half to float (and thus to any other type implicitly convertible from float) is implicit, because all values represetable with half-precision are also representable with single-precision. This way the half-to-float conversion behaves similar to the builtin float-to-double conversion and all arithmetic expressions involving both half-precision and single-precision arguments will be of single-precision type. This way you can also directly use the mathematical functions of the C++ standard library, though in this case you will invoke the single-precision versions which will also return single-precision values, which is (even if maybe performing the exact same computation, see below) not as conceptually clean when working in a half-precision environment.

The default rounding mode for conversions between half and more precise types as well as for rounding results of arithmetic operations and mathematical functions rounds to the nearest representable value. But by predefining the HALF_ROUND_STYLE preprocessor symbol this default can be overridden with one of the other standard rounding modes using their respective constants or the equivalent values of std::float_round_style (it can even be synchronized with the built-in single-precision implementation by defining it to std::numeric_limits<float>::round_style):

std::float_round_style value rounding
std::round_indeterminate -1 fastest
std::round_toward_zero 0 toward zero
std::round_to_nearest 1 to nearest (default)
std::round_toward_infinity 2 toward positive infinity
std::round_toward_neg_infinity 3 toward negative infinity

In addition to changing the overall default rounding mode one can also use the half_cast(). This converts between half and any built-in arithmetic type using a configurable rounding mode (or the default rounding mode if none is specified). In addition to a configurable rounding mode, half_cast() has another big difference to a mere static_cast: Any conversions are performed directly using the given rounding mode, without any intermediate conversion to/from float. This is especially relevant for conversions to integer types, which don't necessarily truncate anymore. But also for conversions from double or long double this may produce more precise results than a pre-conversion to float using the single-precision implementation's current rounding mode would.

half a = half_cast<half>(4.2);
half b = half_cast<half,std::numeric_limits<float>::round_style>(4.2f);
assert( half_cast<int, std::round_to_nearest>( 0.7_h ) == 1 );
assert( half_cast<half,std::round_toward_zero>( 4097 ) == 4096.0_h );
assert( half_cast<half,std::round_toward_infinity>( 4097 ) == 4100.0_h );
assert( half_cast<half,std::round_toward_infinity>( std::numeric_limits<double>::min() ) > 0.0_h );

Accuracy and Performance

From version 2.0 onward the library is implemented without employing the underlying floating-point implementation of the system (except for conversions, of course), providing an entirely self-contained half-precision implementation with results independent from the system's existing single- or double-precision implementation and its rounding behaviour.

As to accuracy, many of the operators and functions provided by this library are exact to rounding for all rounding modes, i.e. the error to the exact result is at most 0.5 ULP (unit in the last place) for rounding to nearest and less than 1 ULP for all other rounding modes. This holds for all the operations required by the IEEE 754 standard and many more. Specifically, the following functions might exhibit a deviation from the correctly rounded exact result by 1 ULP for a select few input values: expm1(), log1p(), pow(), atan2(), erf(), erfc(), lgamma(), tgamma() (for more details see the documentation of the individual functions). All other functions and operators are always exact to rounding or independent of the rounding mode altogether.

The increased IEEE-conformance and cleanliness of this implementation comes with a certain performance cost compared to doing computations and mathematical functions in hardware-accelerated single-precision. On average and depending on the platform, the arithemtic operators are about 75% as fast and the mathematical functions about 50% as fast as performing the corresponding operations in single-precision and converting between the inputs and outputs. However, directly computing with half-precision values is a rather rare use-case and usually using actual float values for all computations and temproraries and using halfs only for storage is the recommended way. But nevertheless the goal of this library was to provide a complete and conceptually clean IEEE-confromant half-precision implementation and in the few cases when you do need to compute directly in half-precision you do so for a reason and want accurate results.

If necessary, this internal implementation can be overridden by predefining the HALF_ARITHMETIC_TYPE preprocessor symbol to one of the built-in floating-point types (float, double or long double), which will cause the library to use this type for computing arithmetic operations and mathematical functions (if available). However, due to using the platform's floating-point implementation (and its rounding behaviour) internally, this might cause results to deviate from the specified half-precision rounding mode. It will of course also inhibit any of the automatic exception handling facilities described below.

The conversion operations between half-precision and single-precision types can also make use of the F16C extension for x86 processors by using the corresponding compiler intrinsics from <immintrin.h>. Support for this is checked at compile-time by looking for the __F16C__ macro which at least gcc and clang define based on the target platform. It can also be enabled manually by predefining the HALF_ENABLE_F16C_INTRINSICS preprocessor symbol to 1, or 0 for explicitly disabling it. However, this will directly use the corresponding intrinsics for conversion without checking if they are available at runtime (possibly crashing if they are not), so make sure they are supported on the target platform before enabling this.

Exception Handling

The half-precision implementation supports all 5 required floating-point exceptions from the IEEE standard to indicate erroneous inputs or inexact results during operations. These are represented by exception flags which actually use the same values as the corresponding flags defined in C++11's <cfenv> header if supported, specifically:

flag meaning
FE_INVALID domain error: invalid input for operation
FE_DIVBYZERO pole error: finite input produced infinite result
FE_OVERFLOW result too large to represent finitely
FE_UNDERFLOW subnormal or zero result after rounding
FE_INEXACT result was rounded to be representable
FE_ALL_EXCEPT OR of all possible exception flags

The internal exception flag state will start with all flags cleared and is maintained per thread if C++11 thread-local storage is supported, otherwise it will be maintained globally and will theoretically not be thread-safe (while practically being as thread-safe as a simple integer variable can be). These flags can be managed explicitly using the library's error handling functions, which again try to mimic the built-in functions for handling floating-point exceptions from <cfenv>. You can clear them with feclearexcept() (which is the only way a flag can be cleared), test them with fetestexcept(), explicitly raise errors with feraiseexcept() and save and restore their state using fegetexceptflag() and fesetexceptflag(). You can also throw corresponding C++ exceptions based on the current flag state using fethrowexcept().

However, any automatic exception detection and handling during half-precision operations and functions is disabled by default, since it comes with a minor performance overhead due to runtime checks, and reacting to IEEE floating-point exceptions is rarely ever needed in application code. But the library fully supports IEEE-conformant detection of floating-point exceptions and various ways for handling them, which can be enabled by predefining the corresponding preprocessor symbols to 1. They can be enabled individually or all at once and they will be processed in the order they are listed here:

  • HALF_ERRHANDLING_FLAGS sets the internal exception flags described above whenever the corresponding exception occurs.
  • HALF_ERRHANDLING_ERRNO sets the value of errno from <cerrno> similar to the behaviour of the built-in floating-point types when MATH_ERRNO is used.
  • HALF_ERRHANDLING_FENV will propagate exceptions to the built-in floating-point implementation using std::feraiseexcept if support for C++11 floating-point control is enabled. However, this does not synchronize exceptions: neither will clearing propagate nor will it work in reverse.
  • HALF_ERRHANDLING_THROW_... can be defined to a string literal which will be used as description message for a C++ exception that is thrown whenever an FE_... exception occurs, similar to the behaviour of fethrowexcept().

If any of the above error handling is activated, non-quiet operations on half-precision values will also raise an FE_INVALID exception whenever they encounter a signaling NaN value, in addition to transforming the value into a quiet NaN. If error handling is disabled, signaling NaNs will be treated like quiet NaNs (while still getting explicitly quieted if propagated to the result). There can also be additional treatment of overflow and underflow errors after they have been processed as above, which is enabled by default (but of course only takes effect if any other exception handling is activated) unless overridden by predefining the corresponding preprocessor symbol to 0:

  • HALF_ERRHANDLING_OVERFLOW_TO_INEXACT will cause overflow errors to also raise an FE_INEXACT exception.
  • HALF_ERRHANDLING_UNDERFLOW_TO_INEXACT will cause underflow errors to also raise an FE_INEXACT exception. This will also slightly change the behaviour of the underflow exception, which will only be raised if the result is actually inexact due to underflow. If this is disabled, underflow exceptions will be raised for any (possibly exact) subnormal result.

Credits and Contact

This library is developed by Christian Rau and released under the MIT License. If you have any questions or problems with it, feel free to contact me at rauy AT users.sourceforge.net or use any of the other means for support.

Additional credit goes to Jeroen van der Zijp for his paper on Fast Half Float Conversions, whose algorithms have been used in the library for converting between half-precision and single-precision values.